Monday, June 27, 2016

Even more things happened!

For months now all OOA Apostles have been under the impression that something was going to happen on Saturday June 25th.

Exhibit A & B:
March Newsletter

May Newsletter

Both newsletters indicate an event, however, Gatekeeper 3 (III) alluded to the calendar being ignored.  So I honestly figured that whatever was going to happen on June 25th, wasn't (okay I was kinda hoping).  So I went on forum I think like a week and a half ago basically saying "screw it let's just hang out" on June 26th.  I nailed in a location at Wurstkusch a few days before hand, time set for 7-10p.

Quite a bit of people showed up!  I think in total 16 Apostles including me plus 3 non-participants were present.  Everybody was chatting away and about 7:30p I got a private number call on my phone.  I picked it up and it was a male with a heavy accent.  Here's what I got the first time:

"Melissa, you have a message waiting for you, go to the *garble garble, brain can't process* oh and congratulations from the institute, do you understand"


Me:  "....Can you repeat that?" (cranks up hearing aids even higher)

"Melissa, you have a message waiting for you, go to the back bar.  Oh and congratulations from the Institute, do you understand"

Me:  "Yes, thank you" 

*caller hang up*

I think I immediately threw down my phone on the table was like *mind blown*.  I possibly made a noise and waved my arms around like one of these things:
It doesn't take much to impress me and cause arms to flail around.

So I proceed to tell everybody what's going on and people were like "GO".  So more arm flailing and off I went.  

I went to the back bar and told a bartender literately said this "hi I'm Melissa....I'm here for a message?"  The bartender immediately gets to work while I sit tight for whatever is happening.  There weren't too many people at the bar and I quickly pieced together that the bartender was pouring not one but TWO big flights (10 flight glasses per tray) of beer.  She hands them over to me and Russell who was right next to me and hands me a napkin.  Went back to the table with beers  in hand, drinking commenced.  I proceeded to show the message to all, I think a lot of people got a kick out who exactly sent the message.

Thank you Tom! :)

This was an incredibly nice gesture by The Tension Experience and let me say, executed in such a Tension way.  :)   Oh man, there was a table next to us full of people that were incredibly confused when we made cheers to The Institute while shouting "GLORY BE!"  for all of the Arts District to hear.  Someone though actually passed on a flyer to the strangers so hey, we might have recruited a few people last night!

LOL Mike
After that nothing much happened except good times.  Yours truly got quite drunk and did a magic trick, discussed very important topics like fetishes (oh god).  There were a few moments where people just took off out of nowhere but I think they were false Tension alarms or people leaving for VesCorp.   Good job Tension, paranoia instilled because I am still speculating why people were up in a corner talking in shadows.  I won't name your names, I'll just channel Sean R. here "Take that shit to the forum".

Glory Beer!
Anyways thanks to all for coming to last night's little meet up and I hope to see you all again soon at the July 10th meet-up (location and time TBA).

And Tension, thanks again!
Having good times!

Oh some were asking "why the congratulations"?  I suspect it's because of this.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Stuff Happened!

I'm not the most prolific writer at all but I think it's time to actually give Tension a shout out.  This requires a bit of backstory though.

(cracks knuckles)
Okay, here we go.

First off as a reminder I'm doing this...arg (??) called The Tension Experience.  There are two factions I know of:  the Oraculus Order of Anoch (OOA) and the Brothers of Seraph (BOS).  I'm currently with the OOA and I'm actually one of two people that are Sentry of the Council (moderators on the forum).  

Rewinding a bit: back in mid or late March I created a chat room via Slack.  I invited I think 16 people to the room, people that I trusted OR were referred by people I trusted.  Tension Experience made it very clear that they were not happy about Slack's existence, citing that it was dragging away activity from their forum.  Personally I thought that was a load of crap because all we did was basically talk about our personal life with like a bit of theorizing here and there.  After note:  those theories would be posted on the forum, if they made any sense.

One day, I think it was in April, I got an e-mail from a user on The Tension Experience forum from an individual with the handle of Mr. Ohio.  He briefly explained to me that he's new and fairly good at puzzles and just needed to have an avenue with like-minded people to hive mind about what is going on with The Tension Experience.  Initially I ignored him but he persisted and honestly I thought "if he's that genuine about joining, sure, he seems nice".

That was a big ol' effing mistake.

As soon as I let Mr. Ohio (his name was Tom Donovan) in he immediately started shit and was not listening to people that were trying to come up with team strategy.  He apologized but he just didn't seem to get it.  After a few weeks we basically had enough and I kicked his ass out after he was being a dick to another player.  Of course all that banishment stuff was happening on my brother’s birthday WHILE at dinner (thanks Mr. Ohio for impeccable timing).

Oh and my last words to Ohio was YOU SHALL NOT PASS.  lol I am a DORK.

So I think a week or so later, on forum, a Tension Experience character called Gatekeeper4 pretty much let the cat out of the bag that she was Mr. Ohio.  Gatekeeper4 mind you is a character that prides herself on her chaotic and angry persona.  Personally she actually intimidated me on the forum.  And so all the Slackers in my group were like "holy crap we were infiltrated, wow".  And then silently I did my groaning over the fact that I private messaged Mr. Ohio with more brute force style questions (long story but I was playing investigator for a task that was fucking impossible). 

Gatekeeper4 (or ~four as she called herself) left Tension June 3rd and since then we've gotten hints that she is still hanging around....somewhere.  As of late Gatekeeper3 (III), who took over ~four's job, has been a terrible person.  Basically III has been inferring that he has killed several OOA staff on the grounds that he didn't "like them" and besides that just sleeps or eats mac and cheese.  When I think of III, I think of this:

Poo lantah, oh. Manama tohtah.

Ya I'd honestly have crazy train ~four than asshole III.  Two days ago III was cranked up to asshole level 11 and more or less making most of the Tension community unhappy.  He fired Mike Fontaine of My Haunt Life, OOA's only Scribe and probably OOA's biggest asset.  AND III was hitting on another player which was just creepy.  Many people on the forum were PISSED including me.  Of course I can't do much so I started a hashtag campaign #IstandwithFontaine, several people followed suit in quick succession. That's when ~four PERISCOPED a threat against III but the title of the Periscope was #IstandwithFontaine.  

I was so fucking pumped and kinda flattered that ~four would acknowledge the campaign.  :)

But then III fucking deleted the periscope as soon as it was posted. :(   III is such a dick!  But this did not stop ~four.  This is where it got even cooler for me.

I got an e-mail from Tom Donnovan (yes last name was spelled a little different but whatever).  The same e-mail address that I used to invite Mr. Ohio in.  The title of that e-mail?

~four you from an old friend.  


THEN as I was trying to figure out how tactful I should be with this message and which file share program to use I got a PHONE CALL from Tension.  The caller said "we, I mean SHE wants to confirm that you got the message".  

The e-mail contained the audio file of ~four's message on the periscope video that was just posted.  She specifically said in the e-mail to spread her message and so I did on the forum, with some stealth as not to blow her cover wide open.

And so ya, Tension, I was so incredibly pumped when you did that.  THANK YOU!!! <3

*note here:  yes I talk in this blog as if these characters are real but this is an arg so....I totally get ~four, III, Mr. Ohio are just characters.  So no, I haven't lost my mind, yet?