LOL it's all spoilers.
Then I was directed to a very large room that looked like part library, part entertaining room.
Ina though stepped in and was distraught saying that Mildred took her man away. We all kinda gave the sympathetic "there-there" look but Ina didn't stop. She went over to the dancing couple, asked to cut in, and shouted at Mildred to SHARE YOU BITCH. The woman who was playing with the jigsaw puzzle then came to me and whispered "I am going to fucking bludgeon Ina in the back of her head" or something very close to that. At that point I realized that some of my friends were gone. A young lady came to several of us, directing us to go through the next door.
This was basically a locker room.
I was with Mike, Buz, and older African American lady and a man who was previously identified as "Ellis Gordon" (dude pointing in the picture was not present but I wanted to include the photo to give you an idea what I was look at). Ellis told us to get ready for processing and STRIP. Now, in a disclaimer that was given to us by email several days prior we were told to wear "modest undergarment" which was a huge warning that we were going to be not wearing our clothing in this experience....honestly I didn't think I'd be stripping in front of total strangers and a good friend of mine. I think I hesitated but I was urged to hurry up went my pants and I did my best not to look at my friends who were also getting nearly naked. I handed over my pants and shirt into a trash bag and off I went into the next room. Right before I left though I was told two things: don't put on your shoes (oooookay) and I believe I was told "don't sit at the desk" I honestly thought I misheard (I didn't come in with hearing aids) so was really confused. What desk?
This room was just a hallway but soon we were led into a room that was completely white. White furniture, white pillars, white everything (except the concrete).
This was the processing room. An English fellow with a very bad attitude (think of the loudest Drill Instructor ever but with a Cockney accent) told all of us cunts to line up. I don't know why but Mike did not follow any instruction and so I literately saw this guy take Mike by the throat to get his attention. Mind you, Mike has done many extreme haunts so those that are directing Ascension probably know to give Mike a more...rough treatment. Me on the other hand was in "do whatever this guy says/don't piss this dude off" mode. Even still he got up right in my face, practically nose-to-nose and screamed "WHEN YOU ARE IN HERE, YOU ARE MINE!" English dude shouted at more people, gave some a good shove, and eventually told me to sit my ass down in front of the television and listen. The television was playing a black and white infomercial about OOA. After a while I was told to sit at a desk with a woman who interviewed me. I did some word associations, answered a few questions that weren't terribly invasive...but then shit got weird. She handed over a photo of a barn and asked me "how many bodies are in the barn". I looked at her like she lost her mind. I think I said "zero" because honestly I blurted it out when in fact I should have said I have no idea. She pressed, asking me over and over how many bodies are in there and how did they die. This was rather effective because I'm sure Tension knows how evidence driven I am so to be forced to answer a question like THAT was just driving me bonkers. Meanwhile DI Angry Face comes over and is shouting at the interviewer to HURRY THE FUCK UP. So imagine being questioned by this lady while DI Angry Face is right over your shoulder, never blinking. No pressure, right?
I feel like this blog is not doing justice at all for what I went through but I'll press on. After processing I was told to line up and FINALLY got to put on my shoes (I was told not to put them on so I literately carried them until the DI said to put them on). Next we were led into the same hallway and down a corridor that dumped into a large garage area. That's when I saw an open door that appeared to be a room with red walls. The fabled red room.
In game, the red room is like the most feared room to go into. Naturally I was REALLY nervous when I saw this. We were ordered to go into the room, door locked behind us. The room was in fact all red except the floor which was completely covered in sand. There were two actors in this room, completely naked and in black paint. That's when the timer on the wall was counting down 8 minutes. So, we were in an escape room. Fortunately someone found a key in the sand fairly quickly which unlocked a box that prompted all of us to stand in a certain way and one participant to go up at the podium and answer a personal question. If the question was answered to the naked people's satisfaction they would hand over another key....but first they did some very, VERY provocative dance which eventually led to simulated sex. So ya....that was awkward.
Next we went into a clock room which was incredibly cool.

After exploring for just a short bit we were ordered to line up 2 rows and to look into the eyes of the person next to us. Yes of course this winds up being Mike. As I stared at Mike I swear to Christ he crossed his eyes at me and normally I'd laugh but uh...adrenaline at this point was just too high. The girls in the room gave a monologue about time followed by a command for us to lay down on the floor. At this point the lights went out. The girls still were doing monologue except now shouting at us, asking when we're finally gone will anybody notice/care? This hit me hard as this is actually one of my biggest fears is that when I die there will be nobody there to give a shit. I think this was one of the first moments where Tension actually struck a personal nerve. After we were ordered to stand I was told to stay as well as Buz. The rest my group went to a different place. At this point this guy approached us:

And gave Buz and I a choice: either we can follow our "safety net" of friends or we can go to another door which may lead to salvation or the end of this journey. We were given only 10 seconds to make our decision. Mind you Buz and I at times didn't get along (it wasn't terrible but it could have been better) on forum. Buz in fact had to play in game and kill a gatekeeper so for all I know this easily could have been a trap, I guess? But when Buz looked right at me and said "I'll stay with you" he seemed really sincere and I was actually quite touched. I think Buz picked up on the fact that I was very nervous from the start so I thought was very kind of him to basically say "I'm with ya buddy". And so off we went to the next room, without our friends.
From what I remember it was a classroom that was in shambles with papers all over the place, bicycles (why bicycles?) and a half-eaten apple on one desk. We were told by the man who gave us a choice in this portion of the experience that we were going to be taught a lesson. Buz and I were ordered to sit down at a desk and watch the slides on the screen. It was more-or-less propaganda by the OOA. As we sat in silence we were told we were going to be tested on the material. The teacher then came to me and put the half-eaten apple in my face and said, "bite". I found a portion of the apple that didn't look like it hadn't been munched on yet and went for it. I nearly declined but here's what was going through my mind: in the disclaimer it basically says that you have to listen to all the commands otherwise you risk being kicked out. While it says "listen to all commands" that to me seems like it also says "follow along with what we say". I think I read into that too much initially because it wouldn't be any fun if we could not say no. Anyhow as we were watching this propaganda there were quick flashes of words and phrases.
Afterward we were kicked out of the class, I saw this as we got out:

Buz and I were ordered to line up against a wall, and quizzed on a lot of the material that was in the film. Buz and I did so-so, if we got the answer wrong the teacher could just correct us but it was more like a stern father tone.
Afterward we were led into "the sacred room". There were two actors, robed and chanting. They didn't seem to know we were even there. As I looked at all the dried herbs that were hanging from the ceiling, the colorful hoods in the front and the person on the floor praying I was enchanted by the sight of this particular room. I actually found it peaceful. But that was all taken away when the robed man saw Buz and I and ordered us to kneel in this sacred room. The robed man went into a sermon about the One that had all his senses removed by force in order to Ascend (I think that's what he said). The woman then brought out a tincture that looked like eye drops. Sure enough the robed man told Buz and I to tilt back our heads and the woman immediately started to drop liquid right on our faces and eyes. Not a big deal. At this point we were blindfolded and had a mask put over our mouth. As we stood up the priest said "blessed be the blind for they truly see, blessed be the deaf for they enjoy the silence". This actually had a really big impact on me because of my hearing loss. At the moment it's unknown whether my hearing loss will become worse or if this loss has stabilized. Hearing the "blessed be the deaf for they enjoy the silence" is not the easiest thing to hear when you're potentially losing your hearing. Then we were guided into the next room and I felt a chair behind me. The man in this room told me to sit down.
This room was hell. First we were told to place our hands in front of us and to touch the sacrifice that was placed before us. Whatever was on the table it was cold, goopy, and sticky. The preacher or whoever he was went into a lecture how the OOA does not waste any portion of the animal so this totally planted the idea that I was touching the entrails of....something. Then he asked if we ever considered how the animal felt as it died for us to eat. This actually really got to me as I used to be vegetarian for pretty much that reason: animal cruelty (I have since changed my tone but I still struggle sometimes). The preacher went on about how removing taste and smell would get us closer to ascending. He explained that he made a special concoction to remove the sense of taste and told us to hold out our hand. I felt a small cup, like those tiny ones used at church. Told Buz to drink first and I didn't hear him whine at all. Then I heard the priest closer to me and I was order to drink. It was apple cider vinegar.
And as soon as that shit hit my mouth I spat it right out and was gagging. Of course the preacher said I wasn't done so I tried to drink the rest of the vinegar but my body was having no part of that. I think my jumpsuit was basically covered in vinegar at this point and I was retching HARD. Even Buz was asking me if I was okay and I just had to focus to get my shit together. I actually have a strong stomach (you have to with my line of work) but kuddos to Tension on basically getting the one thing that REALLY grosses me out. Just when I thought this shit was over, lol nope. The preacher said we will now taste the flesh that was on the table and at that point I was losing my mind and tears were just rolling down my face. I don't want to eat that gross shit that people had their hands on previously, EW! Fortunately Tension isn't completely twisted and the preacher got what felt/tasted like plain cold gelatin in a cube form. Buz was told to open his mouth and taste first and I could hear that poor guy GAGGING (he has issues with texture). So here I was, blindfolded and not having a clue what Buz just consumed but absolutely dreading my turn. But when I told to open my mouth and I tried the "flesh" I had no problem with it at all. I was like, "hm, plain gummy". THEN the preacher told us we will now lose our sense of smell. I was like aw god what the fuck are they going to do? Next thing I hear Buz coughing and gagging and before I could really process what was going on I felt my mask being removed and the definitive odor of ammonia invaded my nostrils. Ugh it was so gross, I coughed just as much as Buz. The preacher was pretty much done with us and we were directed out of the room except now we had ear buds in that had a lot of white noise. So, great, now we're blind, deaf, tasteless, smell-less, how are they going to fuck with our sense of touch?
Well, that was the next room. I was guided into whatever that room was but I had to just stand there. While listening to the white noise I felt someone hitting me with a paddle, a hand or a riding crop and anywhere on my body was game except my face. At one point the person who was dealing the blows got me on my left tit and OMG OW. OW. OW. OW. This went on for like a minute or two until someone removed my ear buds. Turns out the person who was in this room was a woman and she had kinda Calipso (Pirates of the Caribbean) kinda vibe. Calipso bound my hands with rope and out of the blue dunked my hands in very hot paraffin wax. I know I went "UGGGHHHHH" and I guess that scared the shit out of Buz. She did the same to Buz and I felt wax so all over my shoes. She shoved us out of the room with our ear buds back in. I have no idea where Buz went at that point but I was shoved and pushed to walk forward. Since I was now "senseless" I couldn't see a damn thing nor hear anything that was going on. So I just walked around and if I wasn't pushed or guided I would just stop. I think I basically did a bunch of switch backs in a hallway or room until I was finally led somewhere that had a chair that was reclined. |
I felt the ear buds finally come off and a man telling me he was going to get a small shot. He started to scrub (here comes anatomy!) antecubital fossa which is actually used commonly for blood draw, not a shot. So, that actually didn't make me nervous at all; if anything that kinda took me out of feeling tense. Then he removed my blindfold and mask and holy moly I must have looked like hell and stunk of vinegar. The doctor started to remove the bindings on my wrist and most of the wax on my hands. I think it was this guy:
Except he had a lab coat I think? |
He just stared at me for a while and said he wanted me to take a pill. It looked like a breath mint. So I looked at him and was like, "down the hatch?" He nodded and I just swallowed it whole and even opened my mouth to show "hey I did it". At that point he just looked at the pill bottle and said "I'll be right back" and kept looking back at me like with this "is she okay" look. I got up and started to explore the room a bit. There were bags of blood hanging from an IV, xrays, unfortunately I didn't have much time to look before that doctor came back. He told me to sit down and told me that he gave me the wrong pill due to a bottle labeling issue. At that point he took out a glass bottle that said "ipecac syrup". The doctor was apologetic, pointed to the bottle and was like "you know what this is?" and omg that's when logic just flew out the window. These were the things that went through my head:
1.) I don't want to take ipecac
2.) Just had a delicious burrito from El Teyapac and I really don't want to vomit.
3.) There's no trash can, if I were to purge where the hell would it go?
Aaaaand that's when I legit like lip curl very unhappy Melissa came out. I was like "yes I know what that stuff is" and the doctor was like "I'm so sorry". I think at that point he said he'll be right back and while I was alone I was curling myself up in a ball and I know I was saying "SHIT!" while trying to just pull myself together. Two things were going through my brain: 1.) crying in front of an actor for something that can't ETHICALLY be done and 2.) I bet you this is all on camera and I'm mortified. I think Tension totally took advantage of me being a toxicologist and very likely would know what ipecac is without explanation. Pretty effective!
I really don't remember what happened next but I think the photographer guy came in and said 'we have to go' and led me to the next room. So there I am just trying to gain my composure (poorly) while being led into a church-like room. This place had pews and a large OOA symbol up in the front as well as two chairs on a stage.
That neon sign was so cool. |
Aaaaaaand that's where I totally lost it. Not bawling but I definitely got emotional. I remember trying to convince myself "this is fake, Mike is okay" but I just saw someone who I consider a good friend harmed. Before I could really go through any more rationalization the servant girls took the tools that Buz had and got to work on the plant girl. First they simulated gouging her eyes out, taking an ice pick to her ears (all the while the actress was SCREAMING bloody murder) and finally her neck was "snapped". People in the audience were shouting Glory Be and clapping. This honestly didn't bother me. Granted there was a BUNCH OF BLOOD all over the place but the neck snap was not done in any type of way that was convincing....probably for the safety of the actress....that I just sat there and watched. When I looked over again at Mike, still not moving, I once again got panicky. Gatekeeper 2 and the girls suddenly realized their procedure was botched/didn't work and we were ordered OUT. I initially started to go but then Morgan started to scream "Mike! Mike!" and yelling at the actors if Mike was chloroformed without consent. And ya that's when I pieced it together. We never signed a waiver so Morgan kinda had a point to make there and I got furious right there with him. Stuff gets a little fuzzy here but I remember going BACK into the room with Morgan and I think I had to be dragged out or at least put up resistance. Morgan I think gave up trying to somehow rescue Mike so we both got out of there, shaken. I said out loud "I know that wasn't real, that was incredibly hard to watch Mike go through that!" while Kim was just consoling me. We exited the hall and it dumped into what looked like horse stables. The "stable" had a bunch of white trash bags that had our clothing. We just stood around wondering what the hell happened. I was hugging Morgan and still emotional but he kinda put me to reality that I just completed my first extreme immersive theater. I think I sorta went from "why the fuck did I do this" to "whoa I did that AND I didn't call safety". Mike eventually came out and so did a bunch of actors out of character which was just .... surreal. Then Darren Bousman and Clint Sears came out. It was so fucking crazy that they were calling us by first names AND giving us all hugs. I was still very much dazed when Darren came over and was like "are you okay Melissa, come here" (hug). I was like....I'm being hugged by a horror director....okie dokie.