Tuesday, July 26, 2016

So who do I support now? (warning: depiction of violence)

So ~four is (very likely) dead. :-/

On July 22nd, Kim (@electrichippo) from the Brothers of Seraph was invited to a meeting with an unknown agenda. Later on Instagram the Community sees this:

That's definitely Kim.
Later that evening the Community gets a youtube video of Kim telling all viewers that she was present to witness something.  The camera operator then pans over to the opening of a warehouse and the viewers finally see ~four's face as well as Addison.  III however, is not present.  Mind you a few days back another person on forum was basically begging III to meet with ~four and III actually agreed.  So the viewers were presuming that Kim/III and ~four/Addison were going to meet up.  Back to the video, ~four asks Kim the whereabouts of III, Addison is looking around kinda confused.  Addison then goes on about how she has to be sure about being the one (?).  ~four shuts her up, hears a car pull up and gives Addison a very large knife.  Addison walks away with the knife while the camera operator goes back to Kim and ~four.  ~four goes on a tirade about everything being filmed, how We should  really be living the moment and embracing everything we experience.  We see Addison coming closer to ~four, knife in hand and then BAM.  Addison cuts ~four's THROAT.  

Aw, fuck.

Addison then screams at ~four "I AM TWO! I'M IN FUCKING CONTROL!"  (pft, Addison, that was ~four's line and you know it).  While ~four bleeds out.  The last shot is Addison yelling at the camera operator to turn off the camera while ~four is presumptively on her final breath.  

III later on forum said he was late but more or less applauds Addison for killing ~four but alludes to that she is delusional that she is Gatekeeper 2.  Since then people have been jumping ship from the O.O.A. even more, declaring that they can not support Addison's actions.  To be honest, I'm now in the same boat.  Right now I consider myself hopeful that at some point Gatekeeper 2 will be out of the picture.  I actually have two theories how that will happen:

1.)  III will come back, furious, still proclaiming that he is the Last and Final Gatekeeper.  Him and 2 will throw down, Gatekeeper 1 will come in and get rid of them both.

2.)  Russell Eaton of My Haunt Life will have to kill Addison.  Right now in the plot Russell is basically the only person who is standing by Addison.  Russell has been warned countless times that things will get dark for him and what better way to make stuff REAL dark than forcing his hand into killing Addison/Gatekeeper 2.  Who knows, he may have that opportunity to give the bear and Addison may completely lose her mind, asking Russell to just end her suffering.

This blog is a bit all over the place but there is a few other items I want to address for my specific game-play.

I was probably the last person to hear from ~four.  She told me to rally up the troops and I feel like I failed.  Had I been a louder advocate for ~four, could things have gone differently?  Probably not.  I tried but also felt "rally for what?" and more importantly "when?"

Also, was ~four's death all by design?  ~four did a lot of talking like "we are locking and loading" and "I'll send you my fucking best" when it came to ending III.  So maybe ~four was just pushing Addison to come out of her shell, kill ~four, become Gatekeeper 2, and finally end III.  Or maybe this is just Addison snapping and killing ~four in a horrific way.  I'm honestly leaning towards the latter but on the flip side I'm HOPING that this was all by design so that I can support Addison rather than being in this weird "on the fence" position.  Being on the fence and observing is in-game a lame place to be.  Unfortunately Tension is not here to give you answers, you just kinda have to jump in blind faith.  Something I'm not ready to do at the moment.

Also, is ~four REALLY dead?  In the video we see ~four struggling but she's still moving as the camera turns off.  The gasping for breath indicates that Addison managed to do damage to ~four's larynx and/or trachea but the amount of blood wasn't enough to be fatal IMHO.  This is the Criminalist part in me taking over but I've seen neck wounds and this one didn't have the classic arterial spurt.  True, deaths don't require classics but something seems odd here.  I guess she could have died from suffocating?  When I worked at the emergency room just as a ward clerk I would see people surviving all sorts of injuries, neck wounds included.  I dunno, I just don't see ~four going down that easily.

Yes, Addison has additional blood stains on her face (seen in a Periscope video) which is a giant indicator something else occurred (either ~four with her bloody hands started to fend off Addison additional attacks or Addison "finished the job").  No matter how you slice it (zing) something else happened that we didn't see.  Since we don't have confirmation of ~four being really dead I actually hold out this bizarre conspiracy theory that ~four is alive, recovering, and fucking fuming at Addison for doing this.

Psycho Killer
Qu'est-ce que c'est

But since I have no idea what really happened and face value Addison murdered ~four and looney-tunes III is in alliance with the shadowy BoS, I'm kinda forced into a "I can't support either" stance.

And so I sit.....and wait for what's to come next.

Oh and late edit BUT quick plug here:  Ascension tickets are on sale and yours truly is going.  Eep.  You can absolutely have no involvement with the forum matters right now and still take part of Ascension.

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